Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tiger Bread

Woah, it took ages to load this so I could post. And I haven't posted in a while, I know. Drowned in procrastination, you see... Anyway, only like two people actually read this... sooo... ^-^;;
Yes, I have discovered Tiger Bread. xD Oh all right, so it's cinnamon bread, but the markings on it are like the markings on a tiger's pelt. That's good enough for me. And it's cinnamon, I loveth cinnamon! I'm going to call my hamster Cinna, in honor of Cinnamon. *nods* Wait... I haven't told you guys about that yet, have I? Well, I will, I'll make another post.

So here is a picture of the Tiger Bread:

*gulp* It's not working....
here: Have a seaside photo while I try to upload the Tiger bread... a bad pic, I know... I do have better, but right now.... trying to upload the tiger bread....


  1. Mmm, tiger bread sounds really good ^.^
    Cinna is also the name of a character in Hunger Games, ironically XD

  2. haha I love that picture. Anywho, tiger bread sounds delicious. I'll have to make some.

  3. GAHHness... Sorry I didn't post anything, you see, I'm currently STUCK IN THE AIRPORT AT DHOHA ARABIA FOR FIVE MORE HOURS. More later, if i can keep up internet.
