Thursday, December 16, 2010

Unhappy Birthday

It's my birthday... my 13th one. You know, another time I would blog about height, new school, no friends, newbie-it-is- the awesome pantomime...
But not now.
Because it's an unhappy birthday.
I have a really really really bad flu.
With hacking coughs, high fever, runny nose, headache, exhaustion.
I stayed with my sick cousin and aunt for a day after I moved here for a day, and that led me to catch their awful flu.
Last night, I needed water so badly, my throat felt like it was being scratched out with glass. And there was only SPARKLING WATER. I mean, I can barely stand the stuff when I'm awake and well... but in my current condition... and my dad said there was no other water. Turns out there was. Oh, and the back of my mouth hurts. I hate being sick. I HATE HATE HATE it. >.<
*cough* *sniff*
And the temperature... I mean, I'm from the MALDIVES. As in, an average of 30 degrees Celsius.
ANd now I'm in a UK winter.


  1. Ouch that sucks! *hugs Tiggy* But happy birthday anyway! *gives virtual cake*

  2. ughhh that really sucks :(
    feel better!

  3. Aw, I'm sorry you were so sick! *hug* I hope you feel better soon!

    (I'm PonyTales from NaNo, by the way. :D)

  4. Get better soon!! I was sick with both the swine flu and flu, oh and strep all at the same time.
    Well here's a smiley to make you feel better!
    :) :P :D
    Okay, maybe three smileys. . .
    Oh and here's a cake too. *Gives you a cake*
    P.S. I'm McGeek from Nanowrimo kids site.
